Category: Beauty Tips
Does Exfoliating Help with Acne?

Nobody loves to have clogged pores even though we cannot avoid them considering that our skin normally absorbs grime every other day. The number one cause of clogged pores is because of the buildup of oil, sweat, the dirt of even makeup on our skin. Blemishes will eventually appear because of ...

How to Apply Cream Eyeshadow

Your eye makeup will determine whether your makeup game is top-notch or not. If you are new to eyeshadow, make up then your application process can be a little bit intimidating. You may be asking yourself questions like what color should you go for? what brush is the best? and many other ...

Does Exercise Help Acne

As we all know, exercise can positively affect our health and that is why experts recommend that you try and exercise daily. It can help solve problems such as diabetes and high blood pressure. So, does exercise help acne? Exercise has its own benefits that such as keeping you in shape, feeling ...

Does Breast Milk Help Baby Acne?

Acne not only affects adults and teenagers, but it can also affect babies. If you have an infant, you may have noticed tiny white bumps on your baby's back, cheeks, or even chin. Yes! acne does affect infants’ weeks or months after delivery. But you should not get worried about them. Baby acne is ...