Do you have blonde hair and want to keep it vibrant, stunning, and pretty, and eye-catching? Then you know that purple hair shampoo comes in handy right? Now, if you are planning to apply it in dry hair, read here on what happens when you put purple hair shampoo on dry hair before you go ahead and try.
Blonde, grey, and silver-haired people use purple hair shampoo mostly when they want to maintain tangle-free hair. The shampoo contains pigmentations that penetrate your hair and neutralize the tone hence maintaining a vibrant look.
So, is it Advisable to Apply Purple Hair Shampoo on dry hair?
The question is in every fast-timers mind. As much as you want to prevent the potential blonde-gone-orange hairdo, you don’t want to damage your current tone and hair in the process right? Before you go ahead and try out that purple hair shampoo, here is the answer.
The answer is No! Contrary to what many say, it is not advisable to apply purple hair shampoo on dry hair. Many hairstylists and hair experts strongly advise against using purple hair shampoo on dry hair. Are you wondering what happens when you do? Here is what happens.
What Happens when you Apply the Purple Hair Shampoo on Dry Hair?
If you decide to apply purple hair shampoo to dry hair, here is what will happen. Firstly, your ends and highlighted areas of your hair end up with more purple pigmentations than the root due to porosity level.

What happens when you put Purple Hair Shampoo on Dry Hair
Secondly, you end up with uneven pigmentation of your hair, which is a look you don’t want to end up with. That means you are stuck with stained hair that can last for weeks or even months. You also end up with more dry hair than ever before.
So, How Do you Apply the Purple Hair Shampoo?
Guess that is the next question, right? First of all, wet hair is easier to work with. Therefore, for you to use the purple hair shampoo, you must wet your hair first. Moreover, it is also advisable to follow the instructions that come with the purple hair shampoo you choose to use. Here are the steps you follow:
- Shop for the purple hair shampoo of your choice. Go for the one with reputable reviews and recommendations. Read the instructions that come with the shampoo before you continue.
- Next, wet your hair, if possible in the shower. Make sure your hair is all wet from the root to the end.
- If necessary, condition the tips of your hair. Why is that? That is to reduce the porosity to aid you to achieve even distribution of the purple pigmentations.
- The last step involves you washing the shampoo off. Don’t leave the shampoo for too long[ less than 5 minutes is enough]
Maintaining that blonde, grey, or silver hair look comes at a price. It means using neutralizing tones such as purple hair shampoo. Before you consider using the purple hair shampoo on dry hair, read above on what happens if you put purple hair shampoo on dry hair.